January 21, 2025

Here are the Gems found within 7 Day Prayer Miracle

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Here are the Gems found within 7 Day Prayer Miracle

Discover the Mysterious Secret of Archangel Michael

Proven to Break Open An Ocean of Abundance, Heavenly Wealth and Divine Wisdom. And All You Need Is This 4-Sentence Prayer

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Discover the Mysterious Secret of Archangel Michael

Here Are The Gems Found Within 7 Day Prayer Miracle

64x64How Amanda Ross’ shocking tragedy held the unexpected key to manifest jaw-dropping blessings on command. It’s almost like a “Netflix for Miracles.”

Success story after success story of blessed ones that has connected with the secret of Archangel Michael and are now experiencing a raging free-flow of miracles.


This Shockingly Simple 4-Sentence Prayer Has Helped 135,375 Ordinary People Manifest Extraordinary Miracles in Their Finance, Health and Relationships.


Heavenly wisdom to manifest the fairy-tale romances — or marriage if you choose — of your dreams.

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What They Say About Us


“The prayers contained in the course helped me win the lottery. While it was only $15,654, I can tell the angels are smiling down on me since I was praying these words in desperation when the government decided to shut down. Thank you Amanda.”

Kendra S.


“I was only 5 days away from being declared a bankrupt. Almost all my savings gone. I then stumbled on to Amanda’s teaching. Just 2 prayers later, the bank actually cancelled my debt. Holy smokes, this works!”

Leanne R.


“I had terrible, terrible fights with my husband and I was on the verge of leaving him… Then one day I stumbled on to Amanda’s writings. I consumed it, prayed the prayers and now not only has my marriage been restored — the relationship sizzles in a way not seen since the honeymoon.”

Jane A.


“I was once depressed and anxious. Thanks to the 7 Day Prayer Miracle, I’m off my meds and now have fresh new hope for the future.”

Andrew J.


Man… I hit crisis after crisis. Lost my job. Dad had cancer. Girlfriend left me. The 7 Day Prayer Miracle didn’t just give me the strength to weather the storm, but it helped me find new work, help me put my dad’s cancer into remission and i have a fiancee and we’re already starting to prepare for our wedding day — all in a very short span of time.”

Robert B.


“I’d always wanted to connect to the divine and talk to angels, but I never could. After the 7 Day Prayer Miracle, it was almost a suffocating blanket was removed. I can even now feel the breath of God and delve into the secrets of the universe.”

May R.


“I was left destitute by my cheating husband. He left me with my 2 young kids and moved in with his mistress half his age. After going through the 7 Day Prosperity Miracle, cheques suddenly came in the mail. There was sudden mysterious deposits in my bank account. Now, I have more than enough for me and my children to live a good life.”

Miranda A.


“My kid Raymond got really sick. Only 3-year-old but was constantly puking and was bed-ridden. Doctors didn’t know what the heck was going on. I came across the 7 Day Healing Miracle, prayed one of the prayers tearfully. In 4 short days, health was restored to Raymond. We even got mysterious money to pay for all his hospital bills. Heaven is shining down on us.”

Bill T.

7 Day Prayer Miracle

“I had terrible arthritis. Every movement felt like needles pushed into my nerves. When I was referred to Armanda’s teachings, I prayed the Prayer of Pain Relief. Lo and behold, I’m totally healed and I can freely move without a hint of ache. Even my doctor said it was a bona-fide miracle.”

Mary C.


“It was a struggle to get out of bed in the morning. I don’t know if it was high blood sugar… Me packing on the pounds. It was hard. Thanks to the 7 Day Healing Miracle. I actually dropped the weight without diet or exercise I have the energy of a teenager!”

Jeff K.


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