January 19, 2025

How To Magically Manifest

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How To Magically Manifest

Welcome, Dear one.

I’ve been eagerly awaiting your arrival.

You see… the divine journey that delivered you to this page was no random event.

As you’re about to discover…

How To Magically Manifest

There are no accidents in this Universe.

Every major event in your life has happened for a reason, all to bring you to…

THIS Moment…
Right Now

I know your trek has been a long one… you’ve risen over tall obstacles… navigated harsh waters… and weathered life’s heaviest storms…

But, the fact that you are here today, is proof that a powerful transformation has already awakened deep within you, and now…

YOU, Beautiful One…
Are Finally Ready

You’re ready to experience the world of magic and limitless abundance you were born to live.

YES… right now… TODAY… is the moment you’ve been waiting for your entire life.

Starting in the next few minutes, I’m going to reveal a life-changing…



“Secret Made From The Core Of
Real Life Magic…”

A secret that will feel like a long lost wand from the fabled world of Atlantis has safely fallen into your possession…

And all you have to do is wave your wrist to create ANYTHING, and EVERYTHING you’ve ever desired… all in the flash of a divine spark.

In what feels like seconds, you’ll create…

More, boundless energy, body confidence, and picture perfect health that makes you feel like world’s most radiant being …

Click here to Unleash Magic Into Your Life Right Now!

Happiness, joy, and the gathering of your closest soul family…

A loving, more deeply connected relationship with your existing partner… or, finally attract your sacred soul mate… even your celestial “Twin Flame…”

You’ll receive all of these wonderful much-deserved gifts… in the blink of an eye.

But, those are really just the first course of Angelic delights that await.

Because the most important part is…

As soon as you unwrap my divine secret, you’ll finally have the power to manifest MONEY into your life

And do it whenever you desire.

I’m talking about MONEY for a new car…

MONEY for exotic trips around the world…

MONEY for a cozy new dream home where you’ll make life-long memories.

In fact… when you watch this video the very end, I’m going to prove to you just how powerful a creator you are…

As you harness this secret to manifest a financial blessing of $500.00… , $1,000.00… even up to an extra $10,000.00, all…

Click here to Unleash Magic Into Your Life Right Now!

Starting In The
Next 24 Hours

Yes… in as little as 24 hours from now, you WILL have proven to yourself just how powerful this secret is with REAL dollars and cents you can hold in your hands.

Imagine… waking up tomorrow morning and being greeted with cash in hand you can use for ANYTHING you want.

As you’re about to see, this really can happen for you too just like it has for thousands of others.

I’ll get to all the exciting details in just a moment.

First though, let me back up and introduce myself.

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My name is Alexander Wilson, and for the next few minutes you can think of me as your “journey guide.”

My highest intention is to help you awaken a long forgotten part of yourself. A God-given power to…

Turn Your Greatest Desires Into An
IMMEDIATE Command To The Universe!

So… if you’re ready to unleash the greatness hiding within, then please take my hand and let’s leap forward

Before I reveal my magic secret, I need to start at the beginning and share with you the deeply personal story that brought me here today.

You see, not that long ago…

I Was Living A LIE.
A Secret “Double Life.”

No… I wasn’t some covert agent, or hiding in the witness protection program.

That’s not the kind of “Double life” I’m talking about.

The one I was living was the kind found on social media.

Because if you had come across my Facebook page back then… you’d think I was living the dream life.

One filled with meals out to restaurants… parties with friends… and a fast-moving career.

But, the truth was… those social media snapshots were just that… snapshots.

They didn’t tell the full story about what was really going on in my life.

They didn’t reveal…

The Heartache… The Struggle
And The Deep Shame That
Was Secretly Consuming Me.

Because the reality was after a series of wrong turns in my career and love life, it was like I’d fallen off a cliff, and now…

I was trapped at rock bottom.

At the time, I was living alone in the cheapest place I could find… a small backyard pool house.

Now sure… I know the idea of living in a “pool house” might not sound that bad, maybe even a little glamorous to some.

But, this “pool house” wasn’t the kind you’d find in the back of a mansion in a millionaire’s backyard.

No… the reality was the pool was never actually built… the roof was missing shingles… it lacked central air conditioning, and the heating system barely worked.

Really, my home was…

Less Like A Pool House And More
Like A “Glorified Tool Shed.”

Now… I wasn’t homeless…

Occasionally, I’d even make a pretty decent income for the month.

But, it felt like every time a nice check showed up… it was quickly devoured by an ever growing list of expenses.

Bills… unexpected medical invoices…

And repairs for my old 4-wheeled rust-bucket left me no choice but to turn to my credit card.

My balance kept on rising… interest piled up, and soon it got to a point where there was no digging my way out.

My life was about to come crashing down. All in the span of…

One Weekend From Hell!

It all started on a late Friday afternoon when my boss asked me to step into his office for “a talk.”

Now… I knew this job was temporary when I started. But, since then, my boss had promised many times I’d be transitioned into a full-time position.

But , now… with no warning at all…

I Was Being Let Go On The Spot

In an instant…

My income vanished before my eyes.

I was upset, but I didn’t have much time to feel sorry for myself.

Because losing my job was just the first of three disasters that were about to leave my world in shatters.

The second?

I didn’t have to wait long.

As I’m driving home, I hear a sudden thud.

Terror fills my veins as…

My Engine Sputters Off… In The
Middle Of A Busy Highway!

There’s cars to my right. I can’t get over. Luckily, a left sided exit appears just in the nick of time.

I just barely manage to swerve over and safely land in a grassy area as cars whiz past.

At this point, I’m in shock.

I was happy to be alive… but now I wasn’t just jobless, but now my car was gone too.

Piece By Piece…
My Life Was Falling Apart…

I remember coming home that night and just collapsing to the floor in exhaustion, my back against the wall.

I couldn’t move.

It felt like the weight of the world was baring down on my shoulders, and I didn’t know much more I could take.

In that moment, I had never felt so alone and helpless in my life.

The next day, I spend the morning in a daze, just collecting myself… until my stomach begins growling.

I realize I hadn’t eaten since early yesterday. So, I order-up an Uber to grab a quick bite to eat.

Now, in case you don’t know, Uber is basically a modern-day taxi service where regular people drive you around in their personal cars.

Normally… they’re college students, or people trying to earn an extra buck in their spare time.

But, when my ride pulls up and I open the door, I notice…

My Driver Is Unlike Any
I’d Ever Met Before

Her name is Phoenix, and it’s like she had just stepped out of a time machine from 1960’s Woodstock.

She’s donning a beautiful flowing flower dress… blue dream catcher earrings, and she’s wearing a necklace that holds a sparkling crystal

We begin talking, and then she notices my eye gravitate towards the clock.

“5:55” She Says. “You Know What
That Means, Don’t You?”

I didn’t, but she explained, “Sometimes when we need guidance the most in live, our guardian angels give us signs.”

Now… I’m not sure I would have ever remembered this conversation.

But, then it happened. Disaster number 3…

The Walls Came Crashing
In On Me… Literally!

Later that night, I’m watching TV in my “tool shed” when I decide to head off to bed.

But, just as I’m about to turn off the lights. I step on something painful…


It’s a big chunk of white plaster underneath my feet. I look up and see a huge, expanding crack in the ceiling.

Panic fills my body as I realize what’s happening.

I need to get out FAST.

So, I step outside and call the landlord.

Minutes later… the roof has completely caved in.

To think… if I had gone to sleep, I might not have ever woken up.

Now, I gotta say that any one of these disasters might make someone just want to curl up in a ball and give up completely.

But, losing everything at once… my job… my car… and my home…

I Couldn’t Help But Feel Like
The Universe Was Just Toying With Me!

Like, this was all one big Truman-Show style prank, and any minute a reality show producer was about to reveal himself.

Of course… that didn’t happen.

But, something almost more surreal did.

It was only a couple weeks later. I have to get across town… but am without a car. So, I call-up Uber once again.

When the car arrives… I see a familiar face.

It’s my old friend Phoenix from a few weeks before.

I didn’t know then that this meeting was actually no accident

As it turns out, Phoenix was a renowned (and VERY successful) intuitive and healer (she literally charged thousands for private sessions).

And her part-time gig as an Uber driver, was…

All Part Of A
“Spiritual Experiment.”

Each morning she would say a prayer and ask for the Universe to guide her to the one person who needed divine guidance the most…

That’s how she kept running into me.

As Phoenix explained, “When you understand EVERYTHING in existence are made up of the same core ingredient…

Tiny, Vibrating Particles Of

You begin to understand why everything in your life is the way it is.

“Do you remember watching Disney’s Cinderella?” she asks.

Well, in the beginning of the story… Cinderella’s life is one of misery, sorrow, and misfortune.

But, then her Fairy Godmother waves her wand… and suddenly a swirl of magical fairy dust encircles Cinderella…

Instantly transforming her from a life trapped in rags, into one of limitless fortune, abundance, and joy.

She became a glowing princess that radiated pure positivity into the world!

YOU Have The Same Power To
Magically Transform Within You.

Even though we’re all made up of the same stuff… energy. Those tiny particles can vibrate at many different speeds to form a unique frequency.

When you embody a “lower frequency” (like 95% of all people) you attract “low frequency” things, people, and events into your life.

You know… like cars breaking down, bosses firing you, and ceilings collapsing.

But, when you hold a “high frequency,” that’s when all your desires can be effortlessly pulled into your orbit…

The perfect home and car… the dream job… and loving relationships.

And here’s the most important part… YOU have the power to RAISE your frequency into the AWESOME high vibe, God or Goddess you are.

When she explained this, it was like a light bulb suddenly lit up. I realized the reason I was stuck was that my vibration was too low.

And If I Wanted To Change My Life,
I Needed To Raise My Vibration!

But, how?

Well, the truth is that there is a LOT of misinformation out there about raising your vibration.

But, as Phoenix explained, it’s actually VERY quick, simple, and EASY…

When you understand a powerful shortcut that taps into the deepest reaches of your mind.

You see… there are two levels to your brain

There’s the “Surface level,” also known as the conscious mind.

These are all of the thoughts you’re actively aware of. Whenever you decide where to go for dinner or balance your checkbook… that’s the conscious mind at work.

Most of us, attempt to raise our vibration at the conscious level. We “think positive thoughts”… use affirmations… and apply strategies from personal development gurus.

But, the reason your life hasn’t changed is…

Doing those things are a lot like taking rose-colored selfies and posting it on Instagram.

Things may look for a short moment in time, but the truth there’s a stark reality being hidden from view.

Underneath the conscious mind, your subconscious is secretly running in the background, shouting-out negative thoughts, like…

“I’m not good enough…”

“I’m not worthy…”

“I don’t deserve…”

Thought patterns that keep your vibration low.

And Here’s The Biggest Eye-Opener:

While your conscious mind contains maybe 5% of your daily thoughts… your subconscious holds over 95%!

It’s where all of your long held beliefs, traumas, and negative thought patterns are stored.

In fact, many neuroscientists now say that subconscious thought patterns are 10,000 times more powerful than those formed in the conscious mind.

This is why people struggle to manifest the lives they really want.

The subconscious runs the show.

But, here’s the good news…

There is a WAY to clear the gunk away, and it’s SO easy. It’s something called…

“Energy Orbiting”

And it works by reprogramming the negative, beliefs, and traumas that hold us back.

Now, when I first discovered this method… it WASN’T as easy as I’ve made it for you.

Because in order to reach the deepest “Transformation Zones” of the subconscious…

It requires you to shift your brainwaves, from a Beta State where we spend most of our day…

Into Theta State…

Which is normally only achieved through deep states of sleep or meditation.

But, once you enter that Theta Transformation Zone…

“Energy Orbiting” uses the power of expertly crafted subliminal
“mind commands” to effortlessly release old thought patterns… and place positive ones in their place.

Negative thought patterns that shout “I’m not worthy”…

Transform into Divine Patterns that proudly affirm…

“I’m unique and powerful.”

“I don’t deserve” becomes “I effortlessly receive.”

“I’m a failure” is replaced by “I can accomplish anything.”

As these vibration blocks vanish… it’s like a swirl of magic fairy dust swirls around your energetic field, and suddenly… you experience..

Your own magical “Cinderella Transformation”…

Where you radiate like never before, and all your desires are automatically drawn into your orbit.

When I Mastered “Energy Orbiting”…
My Life Began To Change Almost INSTANTLY!

You see…

For as long as I can remember, I wanted to be a writer. But, I struggled turning it into a career.

But, as the magical fairy dust swirled around me… my awareness of what was possible began to expand, and then it happened…

A $10,000.00 Windfall
Fell Into My Lap!

It was right before bed. I had just used Energy Orbiting, to clear away some old beliefs I had about receiving abundance…

And I decided to set an intention…

To manifest a freelance writing job for $10,000.00.

Now… I didn’t take any action, like many “experts” tell you.

Instead, I just fell asleep and let the Universe do the rest.

The Next Morning I Wake-Up
And The Phone Is Ringing

Sure enough, it’s from a friend of mine in the publishing industry. He tells me that last night he got off the phone with a new client in need of a writer…

And get this: The amount of work that he had for me was exactly $10,000.00!

My jaw fell wide-open. I couldn’t believe how quickly and effortlessly my desire showed up in my life… all thanks to “Energy Orbiting.”

Out of curiosity, I asked my friend what time he spoke to the new client, and it was just as I was falling a sleep.

In other words… my manifestation came to life INSTANTLY!

No Wishing… No Waiting… INSTANTLY!

After experiencing this real-life “Financial Proof”… I was off to the races…

I began to clear more deeply ingrained patterns… my vibration continued to soar… and manifesting wealth became effortless.

After I’d finished my $10,000.00 gig, I went on to manifest another one just like it…

Again and again… these jobs appeared within 24 hours of stating my desire.

Eventually… I wasn’t just getting one-time payments, but I was earning royalties…

It soon got to a point where I remember walking to my mailbox and realizing I was now receiving more checks than bills!

Can you imagine that?

And with more income…

My Life Finally Clicked Into Place

The first thing I bought was a brand new car with all the features I never dreamed I’d have…

From there, I manifested my perfect dream home. One that’s not only in the perfect location, a 5 minute stroll to a vibrant downtown…

But, get this… unlike my old “tool shed,” it has an ACTUAL pool!

Now, as I mentioned… the challenge with Energy Orbiting was entering a deep “theta” brainwave state…

I had to enter this “Doorway to the subconscious” the hard way, through meditation.

BUT now, you don’t have too.

After working with an expert audio engineer and trusted Energy Orbiting expert…

I discovered powerful shortcut that allows ANYBODY to effortlessly raise your vibration… and clear away all those deeply embedded subconscious “vibration blocks…”

So you can finally start living the life you’ve always dreamed of.

In fact… it’s so effortless, all of the work is DONE FOR YOU.

You just click “play” to bring the abundance of the Universe into your life… sometimes INSTANTLY.


Manifestation Magic

Manifest Abundance By Pushing “Play!”

You can think of this powerful, life-changing program as a complete…

Push-Button Manifestation System

You can use it create ANYTHING you desire in your life, including attracting your soul mate… your dream home… or even a new ride…

But, the main goal of the program is simple…

To manifest MONEY into your life whenever you desire.

MONEY for bills… MONEY for rent… MONEY to prove that Manifestation is REAL.

At its simplest level, all you do to activat Manifestation Magic is just push “Play.”

There are no books to read, no courses to study, no exercises you must practice before you see results.

The program is designed to manifest MONEY into your life starting in your first 24 hours.

The Program Is Divided Into
Two “Magic Modules”…

Module # 1: As soon as you enter the member’s area, you’ll open up the Quick-Start Manifestation Guide

And all of this takes place in your first 15 minutes.

From there, you’ll have access to…

Module # 2: My Complete “Energy Orbiting” Autopilot Audio System

This contains a series of transformational audio tracks, carefully crafted with my guidance and the help of a world-renowned audio engineer and fellow “Energy orbiting expert.”

The highlight of the system is a main track called…

“Twilight Transformation”

You just click play before you go to bed, and it’s like waving a magic wand.

Overnight… the brainwave technology embedded inside the audio relaxes your mind into a “Theta State” and opens the door to the deepest levels of your subconscious…

From there, powerful subliminal suggestions clear away “Abundance Blocks,” while new beliefs about receiving abundance quickly take hold.

You don’t have to do anything else.

The track does all the work raising your vibration, and clearing away the negative programming that’s been holding you back for YEARS.

Overnight, you’ll create a powerful gravitational force that draws whatever you desire to into your orbit.

Overnight, you’ll create a powerful gravitational force that draws whatever you desire to into your orbit.

The reason Manifestation Magic is so effective is it clears patterns on the deepest levels of the subconscious… levels no other program reaches.

Now, I could go on and on about all the surprises in store for you…

Like the “Daytime Wealth Activator” audio track that quietly reprograms your mind for wealth as you play games on your Ipad or complete house work.…

Not to mention, there’s the “10 Minute Meditator” audio track that allows you to get all the benefits of an hour of meditation in just minutes

But, the beauty of Manifestation Magic is its simplicity.

If you just listen to “Twilight Transformation” by itself, you WILL experience a massive vibration upgrade to bring all your desires to life.

In fact, I guarantee that within 24 hours of using the Twilight track and your Manifestation Guide, you’ll either receive exactly the financial gift you asked for IMMEDIATELY…

Or if the Universe needs more time to align people, events, and resources,Manifestation Magic works to bring to light what I like to call…

A bright unmistakable “neon sign” that your financial manifestation is coming to life!

My goal with creating this program is to make it SO simple that you can literally jump right in and put it into action TONIGHT…


See Results TOMMORROW!

Plus, here’s the best part…

To get this program into the hands of as many people as possible and raise the vibration of the planet…

I’m Offering Manifestation Magic At An Exclusive Discount

Just how big of a discount?

Well, the other day, I saw a course from a big name law of attraction “expert” being sold for $2,000.00.

This program was chalk full of workbooks, exercises, and “to do” lists that would take months, or even YEARS to complete.

Not to mention… it didn’t include anything about “Energy Orbiting” or any method at all to raise your vibration.

But, withManifestation Magic… it’s all so much simpler.

You just click “Play” to bring money into your life. Money you can touch,hold, and spend.

For this reason, I think we can both agree that a price tag of $2,000.00 for Manifestation Magic is more than fair.

After all, this is a complete system that ACTUALLY works, starting in your first 24 hours.

BUT, I want to make sure I get Manifestation Magic into as many hands as possible. This is why I settled on a much more down to earth amount…

You WON’T pay $2,000.00…

NOT $500.00…

NOT even $100.00…

But… you’re going to receive Manifestation Magic for the lowest amount it will EVER be offered for…

See, I’m currently partnered with a large publisher who plans to offer this system for $97.00 on their website.

But, you WON’T pay anywhere close to that amount.

Through this page, I’m able to offer it direct to you for over 50% off… just $97.00 $47.

That’s pennies compared to the financial gifts it will soon bring into your life, all starting in the NEXT 24 hours.

Just be sure you take action today.

This special offer is only available for a VERY short window.

Once my publisher begins offering this program for sale… I can no longer extend this special 50% discount.

So… to get started, just click on the button below this page to be whisked inside the member’s area.

PLUS, to get you racing toward your desires, you’ll also be greeted with…

An Exclusive Bonus Package ONLY
For Viewers Of This Page!

This package contains TWO additional audio transformation systems.

Programs that could be sold on their own for a hundred dollars!

They include…

Bonus # 1: The Chakra Power System

This program contains 7 powerful, 10 minute audio tracks designed to make your chakra system radiate positive wealth energy to the world.

Just listen to one track each week to clear away the major abundance blocks that drain your vibration.

You’ll effortlessly remove hidden…

  • Fears around receiving money…
  • Feelings of disempowerment…
  • Beliefs about unworthiness…
  • Confusion about your purpose and mission in life.

And by week 7… you’ll have turned up the dial on your “gravitational field,” PULLING your greatest desires to your doorstep.

Next, there’s…

Bonus # 2: The Manifestation Magic
360 Transformation System!

An Estimated $97.00 Value
This bonus system contains 7 extra “Energy Orbiting” tracks designed to awaken your hidden superpowers. These include…

  • The majestic “Divine Tranquility” track that connects you to your heart and unleashes the “soul mission” you were placed on Earth to accomplish…
  • The eye-opening “Wealth Awakening” track, that opens up your creative ability to effortlessly solve ANY financial challenge in your path…
  • “The Whispering Waves” track that allows you to start thinking and seeing the world just like a Millionaire…

And my favorite might just be…

And those are just forstarters.

Just like with Manifestation Magic, all you do just is click “Play” to let these expertly engineered audio systems do all the work .

It’s that easy!

Together, the 360 and Chakra Power bonus systems could easily be sold as a standalone programs for $97.00 each.

But, I’m giving them to you FREE as my gifts to you.

In other words, it’s like you’re receiving…

3 Wealth Abundance Systems (A $291.00 Value)… For Half The
 Of Just One!

PLUS… that’s not all.

I’ve also developed a way so you can listen to all of your audio tracks “on the go” with…

To My Manifestation Magic “Push Play”

This downloadable program for your smartphone or Ipad, allows you to listen to all three audio systems, even when you’re away from the computer.

Just open up the App, and all of the recordings are ready to for you just “Push Play” and enjoy.

Now… it’s easy to listen on your morning walk, before bed, or while relaxing in nature.

Anywhere you go… Manifestation Magic and your bonus systems are there alongside you!

So, don’t wait.

Follow your heart and trust your intuition here.

Just click on the button below right now to get started bringing your greatest desires to life.

When Manifestation Magic is offered for sale on my publisher’s site, these bonuses will NOT be included.

They’re my gifts to you for taking action TODAY through this page!

All you’ve got do is join me by tapping the button below.

I’ll be there guiding you every step of the way to make sure you succeed.

ANYBODY can do this, and I KNOW it will work for you too.

In fact, I’m so certain of your success, your membership is protected with my 100% risk-free…

“24 Hour Results” Money-Back Guarantee!

Here’s my promise to you:

Simply click “play” on the Twilight Transformation track (at least once a night), and let the power of “Energy Orbiting” clear negativity… raise your vibration… and uplift your spirit.

Then, simply follow the easy 15-minute Quick-Start Manifestation Guide to get clear on what you want…

And I promise starting within the NEXT 24 hours, you’ll receive a flashing, unmistakable “Neon” sign from the Universe that your financial manifestation is on the way…

In some cases, your manifestation will even appear IMMEDIATLEY.

I can make that kind of specific promise because I’ve seen Manifestation Magic work for myself, and countless others…

And I know it will work for YOU too!

Here are what others are saying about the power of clearing the subconscious across social media.

Right away, people are seeing results in the form of…

More commissions…

What customers say about our program?

  • “I made within a week what I make
    in a month at my 9 to 5 job!”

    It works!! I listened to it like twice about a week ago while I was at work and it was playing in the background the whole day…

    I connected the dots and started my own business from home overnight!! And my customer base is rapidly growing! I made within a week what I make in a month at my 9 to 5 job! I feel so blessed and resourceful 😊…

    …I also got a call yesterday for a job interview with a company I applied to work for a few months ago and I thought they overlooked my application but I discovered that they think I’m suitable for a higher post so they created this post within that time TO HIRE ME!!

    … So I will quit my job soon to another better paying job at a company that actually sees my value and wants to give me a better offer all while I run my own business..

    …I feel so abundant and appreciate this magical experience! My life is changing and so quickly to the better 😀 I will listen to it daily and see what happens

    – Sarah E
  • “A billionaire contacted me within 2 minutes and I sold a camera I literally just posted within 3…WHOA”

    Amazing product 😊 I just wanted to say THANK YOU!

    A billionaire contacted me within 2 minutes and I sold a camera I literally just posted within 3…WHOA

    – Laura McCaughey
  • “I got $322 unexpected
    deposit into my bank account…”

    … The first day, nothing happened…

    The second day I got a fillup on gas and $50 cash…

    The SECOND time I tried this, I got $135 on the first day…

    The THIRD time I tried it a week later, I got $322 unexpected deposit into my bank account…

    Yesterday I did it again without even knowing it…woke up to someone calling me to give me $160

    – Mallorie E
  • “Wow so much and amazing things are happening right now it’s just fabulous!!!!”

    Hi Alexander

    Gosh where do l begin!

    Wow so much and amazing things are happening right now it’s just fabulous!!!!

    …My destiny is crystal clear and so bright I cannot thank u enough!!!!!

    …My destiny is to help women who have been left with children and animals to fend for themselves. I am going to give them a home for the rest of their lives! Huge responsibility but I am up for it

    Lots of love

    – Bridge

    “I am extremely impressed with Manifestation Magic so far, a thoroughly worthwhile investment.”

    Having just read the whole of the Quick Start Guide I am highly impressed with the level of detail and clear and precise directions that you have provided. You have demystified so many things that I was not clear about especially with the visualisation which has eluded me up till now. I am actually feeling quite excited that this can work for me and I’m not one to get excited easily! I am extremely impressed with Manifestation Magic so far, a thoroughly worthwhile investment.


    “A billionaire contacted me within 2 minutes and I sold a camera I literally just posted within 3…WHOA”

    Amazing product 😊 I just wanted to say THANK YOU!

    A billionaire contacted me within 2 minutes and I sold a camera I literally just posted within 3…WHOA

    -Laura McCaughey

    “I got $322 unexpected
    deposit into my bank account…”

    … The first day, nothing happened…

    The second day I got a fillup on gas and $50 cash…

    The SECOND time I tried this, I got $135 on the first day…

    The THIRD time I tried it a week later, I got $322 unexpected deposit into my bank account…

    Yesterday I did it again without even knowing it…woke up to someone calling me to give me $160

    -Mallorie E

    “Wow so much and amazing things are happening right now it’s just fabulous!!!!”

    Hi Alexander

    Gosh where do l begin!

    Wow so much and amazing things are happening right now it’s just fabulous!!!!

    …My destiny is crystal clear and so bright I cannot thank u enough!!!!!

    …My destiny is to help women who have been left with children and animals to fend for themselves. I am going to give them a home for the rest of their lives! Huge responsibility but I am up for it

    Lots of love


    “…I can’t sleep without it anymore.”

    Hi Alexander…

    …A few weeks ago everything just fall to pieces. I thought that was the end for me. I lost everything, my house but most of all my faith.

    I bought your Manifestation Magic and in less than a week a lot has changed. I was always in fear what will happen to me and all of a sudden my puzzles pieces are coming back again…

    …I’m listening every day and night all my audios and I can’t sleep with out it anymore.

    I can only say WOW for everything you did for me and a change in my lifestyle. Thank you I really appreciate it.

    With lots of


    -Pauli Grant

    “…I listen to the twilight one every night, all night…”

    …I listen to the twilight one every night, all night…

    … I seem to be able to deal with whatever is being thrown at me at the moment and deal with it and let it go.

    I’ve been more of a positive person the past few days….

    At least now, (and this is just after a few days) I can say I deserve and receive whatever the universe wants to give me…..instead of, I don’t deserve.

    So, thank you very much for putting these audios together.

    Peace to you,

    -Cheryl Ross

    “…When I opened my eyes after listening…. it was 1:11…”

    Thank You – very much! Funny thing… When I opened my eyes after listening…. it was 1:11… I got a tingle when I saw the numbers.

    -Karen Williams

    “Thank you so much… this has woken my spirit.”

    -Rita Redwin

    “Hi! I am loving the product! I have been listening for a week now and my sales have increased!”

    -Sheena Sink

    “Things are moving and manifesting.”

    Alexander thank you for the wonderful gift. It has helped me to remain positive and look at my life in a different light. Things are moving and manifesting. Thank you so much to bring my great vision to life. The sky’s the limit. Please keep doing what you’re doing.


Just Imagine Waking Up, Starting Tomorrow Morning…

And, instead, of those negative subconscious thoughts taking over and pulling you down into the pits…

It’s like you’re a lighthouse… radiating positivity, vibrant energy and inspiration to everyone you encounter.

Everywhere you go, others are drawn to your magical presence. New opportunities are pulled to you every day…

And manifesting wealth into your life becomes effortless…as new income floods into your bank account.

Imagine… bursting through your financial ceiling again and again… from $5,000.00… to $20,000.00… to $100,000.00…

To over a MILLION!

You deserve to experience true LIMITLESS abundance.

And with Manifestation Magic, you’ll do just that simply by clicking “Play.”

So, go-ahead…

It’s time for your magical Cinderella transformation…

Let the fairy dust of encircle you and unleash the divine god or goddess hiding within…

It’s 100% risk-free for 60-days.

Click on the button below, and I’ll see you in the member’s area.

All of the audio recordings are available for instant access, and I’ve made it super easy for ANYBODY to listen right away.

The next 24 hours are going to be a LOT of fun.

Click here to Unleash Magic Into Your Life Right Now!

Listen, you are a brave and courageous soul.

You’ve journeyed far and long… but now, you find yourself inside an enchanted forest, and…

Before Your Eyes Sits
A Mysterious Fork In The Road…

In one direction the path is dark, worn, and feels all too familiar

You’ve been down this path before and you know what awaits…

The same overwhelming obstacles… the same heart-breaking disappointments… the same painful struggle of living pay-check-to-paycheck…

Until one day all the weight on your shoulders just comes crashing down on you.

BUT… you don’t have to keep going down that tired, old path any longer.

Now, There’s A New Way Forward

One filled with unmatched beauty, wonder, awe-inspiring experiences…

And limitless abundance unlike anything you’ve ever imagined possible…

No… my dear one.

This isn’t a dream.

Magic Is REAL…

And the new pathway to bring it into your life is sitting right before your eyes.

But, you’ve got to take the first step.

Click below right now.

I can’t wait for you to experience Manifestation Magic in your life… just like me and so many others around the world now have.


My hand is reaching out to you.

All you’ve got to do is grab it.

Join me hand and hand as I lead you on what’s sure to be an incredible journey to the abundance you deserve.

This WILL work for you, I promise.

Like a trusted guardian angel, I’ll be there every step of the way guiding you forward.

Plus, remember… it’s 100% risk-free for 60-days.

Click here to Unleash Magic Into Your Life Right Now!

Still on the fence?

I get it. I was once in your shoes, desperately searching for a way out of the mess I’d fallen into.

Then… when I finally found “Energy Orbiting,” I have to admit I was skeptical.

I didn’t think it would work.

But, here’s what changed my mind, and convinced me to give it try.

You see, here’s the truth…

When you manifest your desires, it’s not the kind of magic where you pull a rabbit out of a hat.

You’re NOT creating anything out of thin air.

No… the reality is…

All You Desire… ALREADY Exists… And It’s Waiting For You To Claim It!

Take this brand new BMW.

Well, the truth is, there are no shortage of cars just like it.

On car lots and in garages across the country, there are fleets of thousands of very similar BMW’s…

Sitting there, unused and waiting to be driven.

The reality is we live in a time of incredible abundance.

And once you raise your vibration, and become and energetic match to your desires using Manifestation Magic.. that’s when your greatest wishes are finally pulled into YOUR new gravitational field.

Look… you’ve already experienced what struggle feels like.

You’ve been there… you’ve done that. But, it’s time to try something different.

Now’s The Time To Say “YES…”

“YES” to the amazing gifts just waiting for you to claim and bring into your reality.

We’re here on this planet to experience love, joy, and abundance, and now you can experience it all… just by clicking “play.”

Go-ahead and get started right now.

All you desire is already out there.

But, it can’t come into your life, until you’ve taken that first step.

Click below right now to join me on this new and exciting path.

Remember… its 100% risk-free for 60-days…

And you’re guaranteed to bring either your first financial manifestation of $500.00… $1,000.00 or even $10,000.00 into your life…

Or you’ll receive an unmistakable neon sign from the Universe that it’s on the way…

All starting in just 24 hours from now.

Go-ahead and put Manifestation Magic to the test!

Remember, you’re receiving the entire Manifestation Magic system for 50% off what it will soon be offered for…

PLUS you get the Chakra Power System and The 360 System as my gifts to you.

Click on the button below right now.

This exclusive package is only available through this page, and will not last much longer.

I can’t even promise if you come back tomorrow, this special package will still be available.

So, join me right now.

“Click here For Instant
Access To Manifestation Magic!”

As Part Of This Special Offer, You’re Receiving:

  • The Complete Manifestation Magic System ($97.00 Value) – Includes main Twilight Transformation Energy Orbiting Track, Quick-Start Manifestation Guide, and More.
  • The Chakra Power System ($97.00 Value) – Includes 7 “Energy Orbiting” Tracks To Enhance Chakra Wealth Energy.
  • The 360 Transformation System ($97.00 Value) – Includes 7 Bonus “Energy Orbiting” Tracks To Clear Even More Vibration Blocks.
  • The “Push Play” Audio App ($120.00 Yearly Value) – Play all the audio tracks on your Smartphone or Ipad in just minutes from now.
  • My “24 Hour Results” 60-Day, Money-Back Guarantee…

… All For Just $411.00 $47

Okay… if you’re reading this, then that means you haven’t clicked on that button.

You haven’t made the turn and stepped onto your new magic-filled path.

The only explanation I can think of for why you haven’t joined me just yet is you still have questions.

So, let me answer a few of the most common ones I receive…

Question # 1: I Don’t Have A Lot Of
Extra Time, Will This Still Work For Me?


My goal with Manifestation Magic as to make it so EASY it would fit into absolutely ANYBODY’s life…

Even if it’s completely crazy and hectic.

There are no books to read, no courses to study, no exercises you must practice before you see results.

Just click “Play” on the Twilight Transformation track before bed… either in the minutes before or as you close your eyes…

And you WILL see results.

The program works on the deepest subconscious level, so it’s not important that you carefully listen with the conscious mind.

Simply put… if you have an extra 5 seconds to push that play button before you close your eyes… then you can do this.

Question # 2: Do I Need To Take
ACTION For Manifestation To Work?

Many law of attraction experts talk about the importance of taking action to manifest your desires.

I want to be clear… inspired action can be powerful on occasion.

But, far more important in the manifestation process is your vibration, and the pureness of your thoughts.

As, Abraham-Hicks said…

“17 seconds of PURE POSITIVE thought is
worth 2,000 hours of action”

In other words, Manifestation Magic is a shortcut. By eliminating those negative subconscious thought patterns (just by pushing “Play”)… it’s like your creating your own gravitational field.

Your desires are magically pulled to you, automatically!

Question # 3: Can I Listen To The Audio Tracks On My Smartphone?

YES! I’ve made it easy for you to play the audio tracks, starting right away, using the bonus Manifestation Magic “Push Play” Audio App.

Just download the App on your Smartphone or Ipad (don’t worry I show you how in the member’s area), and your tracks can be played IMMEDIATELY… in just minutes from now!

And, of course, you’ll also be able to download everything inside the member’s area for easy listening on your laptop, computer, or some members even choose to create CD’s.

My personal favorite way to listen is on my phone, as a morning “pick me up” or right before bed.

As I mentioned, these tracks work on the subconscious level.

So, unlike an audio book, for example… they can comfortably play in the background without requiring careful attention.

My goal in creating Manifestation Magic was to make it so simple, quick, and easy ANYBODY can see results.

.Question # 4: Will I Really See Results
In Just 24 Hours From Now?


I’ve brought many of mine manifestation to life in hours, even INSTANTLY like my very first $10,000.00 manifestation I shared with you earlier.

However, sometimes, the Universe needs to align people, places, and events. This is why I’ve designed the manifestation process you’ll follow inside the Manifestation Quick-Start Guide…

To call forth an unmistakable “Neon” sign within 24 hours to let you know your manifestation is coming to life.

This sign will come in many forms…

Sometimes you’ll see a billboard for a certain car that you’re trying to manifest…

Other times… you’ll be met with “angel numbers” like 11:11 immediately after completing the quick-start guide…

Whatever the unique case is for you… the process works in a way that this sign is “unmistakable.”

My goal for you is to PROVE to yourself just how powerful a creator you are by bringing WEALTH you can hold in your hands into your life.

Question # 5: How Does The “24 Hour Results” Guarantee Work?

My promise is simple…

You WILL receive that financial manifestation OR the “unmistakable sign” within your first 24 hours…

OR I insist you send me a note. I’ll then give you back every cent you invested in the program… no questions asked!

That’s how confident I am Manifestation Magic WILL work wonders for you just like it has for me and so many others.

So, go-ahead…

Click here To Lock
-In Your 50% Discount…
The Exclusive Bonus Package… And My “24 Hour” Risk-Free, 60-Day Guarantee!

“…I can’t sleep without it anymore.”

Hi Alexander…

…A few weeks ago everything just fall to pieces. I thought that was the end for me. I lost everything, my house but most of all my faith.

I bought your Manifestation Magic and in less than a week a lot has changed. I was always in fear what will happen to me and all of a sudden my puzzles pieces are coming back again…

…I’m listening every day and night all my audios and I can’t sleep with out it anymore.

I can only say WOW for everything you did for me and a change in my lifestyle. Thank you I really appreciate it.

With lots of


– Pauli Grant

“…I listen to the twilight one every night, all night…”

…I listen to the twilight one every night, all night…

… I seem to be able to deal with whatever is being thrown at me at the moment and deal with it and let it go.

I’ve been more of a positive person the past few days….

At least now, (and this is just after a few days) I can say I deserve and receive whatever the universe wants to give me…..instead of, I don’t deserve.

So, thank you very much for putting these audios together.

Peace to you,

– Cheryl Ross

“…When I opened my eyes after listening…. it was 1:11…”

Thank You – very much! Funny thing… When I opened my eyes after listening…. it was 1:11… I got a tingle when I saw the numbers.

– Karen Williams

“Thank you so much… this has woken my spirit.”

– Rita Redwin

“Hi! I am loving the product! I have been listening for a week now and my sales have increased!”

– Sheena Sink
  • “Things are moving and manifesting.”

    Alexander thank you for the wonderful gift. It has helped me to remain positive and look at my life in a different light. Things are moving and manifesting. Thank you so much to bring my great vision to life. The sky’s the limit. Please keep doing what you’re doing.

    – Daniel

    “I still can’t believe this works.. what magic is this?!”

    I’ve been listening to these audios repeatedly for a while now. I’ve been seeing 555, 11:11, 22:22 nothing happened for a while but after about 2 weeks, my sales have gone from 3 figures a month to 4 figures a month and it keeps growing. I still can’t believe this works.. what magic is this?!

    Here’s my tip – don’t give up if it doesn’t happen immediately.. set your intentions clearly (very important), keep listening until you see the signs repeatedly, whatever it is you’re trying to manifest – it’s coming. Signs were everywhere for me – especially on my phone and my computer. I just kept seeing it, so I kept listening, putting out positive vibes and it finally happened for me.

    – Jason C.

    “But WHOA these audios are different!!”

    I’ve tried lots of other audios before – Brainwave, Subliminals, Hypnosis, you name it I’ve tried them all.. so I was expecting this to be like the same old crap I tried. But WHOA these audios are different!! I feel so energized and confident, I feel like new man! I don’t care much about money but my focus is self-transformation! …It’s weird I am seeing myself become stronger and feel more powerful day after day!

    – Alvin L’mpao

    “…I Have Won Over $2,000…”

    Alex I really love these audio’s since listening to them I have won over $2,000 when playing my slot machines. It’s incredible. I feel more confident..

    – Cindy C.

    “They are clearing out the negative and renewing my subconscious mind…”

    I have seen so many results in my business and I can tell as long as I continue to use these audios, they are clearing out the negative and renewing my subconscious mind. Which was the missing link I needed in order to really progress and succeed. So I thank you so much.

    – Andrea Peebles

    “I received a check for $861.85 out of nowhere.”

    *Sir: I just wanted to tell you about what happened to me on 10-01-2018.I received a check for $861.85 out of nowhere.The letter stated that I was overcharged in interest from a loan that I got some time ago and this was my share of the settlement.What makes this so surprising is that I have not even gone through all the stuff I received from you.

    – Floyd Bell
  • “Unbelievable!!!”

    I’m really impressed with the audio, you tell me to listen 2 times a day, but I can not, I’m listening all the time. , this really calms me down, I’m somewhere else, everything is happening faster, for example sometimes I think of a person and seconds later there is her! Alex I’m so happy for you to be part of my life and all of us !! I really feel the wealth and prosperity I’m already living in abundance I have to thank you for everything.a big hug my heart friend.

    -Walder Dias

    “I have seen so many results in my business”

    I have seen so many results in my business and I can tell as long as I continue to use these audios, they are clearing out the negative and renewing my subconscious mind. Which was the missing link I needed in order to really progress and succeed.So I thank you so much.

    –Andrea Peebles

    “I was lead by an energy reassuring me as I went along.”

    Dear Alexander,this has been a very interesting year for me so far. Earlier this year I could feel an opportunity or change or something coming. I was lead by an energy reassuring me as I went along. I had never heard of this ability until recently and it seems to be getting popular

    –Brian Carter

    “Your method does work. It is working for me now.”

    Hi Alexander, just letting you know that your method does work. It is working for me now. I don’t feel the need for your books and DVDs. I have progressed from the state of lack or need to that of gratitude. Thanking the Universe for supplying everything necessary to fulfill my Soul’s purpose.

    -Christine Pitt

    “I am extremely impressed with Manifestation Magic so far, a thoroughly worthwhile investment.”

    Having just read the whole of the Quick Start Guide I am highly impressed with the level of detail and clear and precise directions that you have provided. You have demystified so many things that I was not clear about especially with the visualisation which has eluded me up till now. I am actually feeling quite excited that this can work for me and I’m not one to get excited easily!I am extremely impressed with Manifestation Magic so far, a thoroughly worthwhile investment.


    “I played the twilight audio last night while I slept and woke this morning with a very VERY positive attitude, a happier vibe…”

    Hi! Thanks for your email. May I say that so far, I’m feeling very positive about my purchase. I played the twilight audio last night while I slept and woke this morning with a very VERY positive attitude, a happier vibe, and feeling much less stressed about my financial situation. It hadn’t actually crossed my mind all day until just now. This is new! Most days consist of a lot of worrying. So, less than 24 hours in and I’m seeing results, even if they are not material ones. The idea of manifesting money is to put my mental health into a better position so by achieving this without the financial gain is almost as good… But I feel like there is so much more to come 🙂

    Thank you

    -Joanne Wright

    “I am a state of paradise every time I listen to the Manifestation tracks!”

    Hi, it’s Van! The Universe is such a magnificent place!!!!!!!!!!! I received some of the signs and I am super excited!!!!!! I love being a member. Thanks Alex!

    I am a state of paradise every time I listen to the Manifestation tracks! My children are sleeping better and the house seems so much lighter and more magical! I would strongly recommend this product to everyone so that eventually the world would be filled with love and people would make no more fear based decisions.


    “I use Manifestation Magic exclusively.”

    I purchased your program and have been using it every day since. Your programs resonate with me and I will continue to use them.

    So, please do not worry.
    I purchased two other manifestation programs in the past that do not compare with what you produce. I use Manifestation Magic exclusively.

    -Kathy Arima

    “Well at exactly 11am less than 12 hours I received an unexpected $750. OMG!!! I couldn’t believe it. ”

    I am in tears right now. I ordered this system yesterday with barely any money in my bank account. The words in the video spoke to my soul. I have been working tirelessly to create financial freedom for myself only to be up and down on a roller coaster. I listened to the 2 Theta recordings yesterday as soon as I received. I felt weird but I committed to the 30 days. I listened to the Twilight at midnight last night and fell asleep. I got up this morning in anticipation of what would show up. Well at exactly 11am less than 12 hours I received an unexpected $750. OMG!!! I couldn’t believe it. One of my clients got an unexpected check and she wanted to tithe to me for helping her change her mindset around money. Thank you, thank you, thank you. She was the most unlikely person to send additional money. Last night I made a commitment to buy the millionaire package with my first manifestion. Done!! I am so excited and grateful!!!!!!!

    -Malane Shani

    “Now I feel I have a family that’s holding my hand spiritually and internally and I have never had this type of support system my entire life!”

    Hi Alexander! Everything you have sent to me I’m absorbing likes sponge! I am an empathetic person who is in need of regeneration at this time! You could not have come to me at any better time in my life! Thank you! I strongly believe in myself and my new transformation and in fact, I’m already seeing, feeling and experiencing this change in my daily life ever since I listened to ur meditating hypnosis discs! Now you have given me even more gifts which I truly need especially your colleagues who are helping me transform my prosperity in wealth! I’ve felt very alone and struggles with anything and everything toucan imagine. Now I feel I have a family that’s holding my hand spiritually and internally and I have never had this type of support system my entire life! I have so much to read on how to help myself than I ever did before! A simple thanks is not enough! I will see you in person one day and shake your hand directly to Thank you once I add my success story to all the rest! Thank you for directing me to a healthier and amazing future!

    -Michele Cleveland

    “It is truly AMAZING. It works! However… it doesn’t work if you don’t PLAY IT! “

    When you have been using Biofeedback and Bio-resonance for as long as I have, you have no trouble wrapping your head around this one. It is truly AMAZING. It works! However… it doesn’t work if you don’t PLAY IT! If you don’t follow the instructions… if your own negativity and disbelief is what rules you… I have used it personally and with my clients during Massage sessions and during Colonic sessions. It WORKS!

    -Estrella Caban

    “I’m achieving more sale than before and I’ve got a raise It really is getting better!”

    Hi Alexander,

    First i want to thank you for incredible gift.

    I have been listening twilight transformation almost every night and i feel great, everything i do is much easier and im becoming more succesful in my job. I work in sale as business representative. Im achieving more sale than before and i ve got a raise 😀

    It really is getting better, i am focusing much more on my goals and desires and i am less bothered with some things then before.

    I wish for a breakthrough in my private life also because i have been single for a some time and the last relationship drained me and i feel a bit lost. I feel best when im single but that sometimes bother me.But i will work on myself and do what is best for me 😀

    Thank you again!


    “I just joined Manifestation Magic last night, and you might call this a coincidence I call it pure magic!”

    I just retired because of health issues, and really did not have enough money to be comfortable and not have to worry about the money i did not have. i just joined Manifestation Magic last night, and you might call this a coincidence
    I call it pure magic. I get a call from Social Security and they tell me that they will start my retirement from January and send me a one time check for the amount of $12,000.00. I am having to contain myself because i want to jump out of my skin. It has not even been 24 hours, and nothing has been discussed with social security, This is out of the blue. Alexander, here is a virtual hug.

    -Richard G. Lewis

    “Oh my gosh, my heart is SO FULL of GRATITUDE right now!!”

    Thank you for these bonuses! The timing is absolutely Divine!

    As for Manifestation Magic… The Universe is soooo grateful for the work you do for Earth & Humanity. ❤❤❤

    My family and I have been listening to the Twilight Transformation track every night for nearly 3 weeks now and a long-standing family issue has been released! We are each experiencing INCREDIBLE shifts and progress in life & abundance of support, money, love. Manifestation Magic has assisted me in the final touches of becoming who I came here to be (a conscious co-creator) and completing what I came here to do for my family, lift them up so they can enjoy the new world with me.

    Words cannot express how I truly feel, but I’m sure the energy is spewing outta this message lol! I wish you Infinite Blessings for the rest of your lives.

    Also, patience.. cuz the world needs more and although I personally have enough to share, I am open to more people joining in this Patience Parade, haha, to help distribute the load.

    Thank you so much for all you do!

    -Kristin Craft

    “I have had some extra $ show up a few times, starting after my order before I even got the course!”

    OMG! This is a lot, I didn’t realize was here. It’s awesome! Thanks for your help Bella. I have had some extra $ show up a few times, starting after my order before I even got the course!


    “I attracted 3 of them the first day, one of which had $500 in it!”

    I was at a conference where they throw plastic Easter eggs filled with cash and prizes into the crowd after breaks to get people back in the room. I attracted 3 of them the first day, one of which had $500 in it.

    I also play blackjack and count cards for fun from time to time. The last 2 times I visualized stacks of green chips in front of me instead of in the dealer rack. Sure enough, I got some good cards and won some money. Nothing crazy, but I can’t help but think my positive energy helped make it possible.


    ” I found my writing flowed out of me while listening to that one!”

    I received an email from him yesterday for the Millionaire Mind offer. So I bought it. Lol. The Universe heard me.

    And I just want to say within a few hours the first day (Monday ) I felt a huge shift in my thoughts, energy, and focus. I feel so different already. Almost like a new person. That was after only doing the two 10 minute ones and the 20 min one for focus. I found my writing flowed out of me while listening to that one. It’s incredible. I can’t wait to continue the program and experience more.


    “Within 48 hours of starting to listen to these recordings, my S.O. was approved for the disability!”

    I know that we already had the process underway; BUT within 48 hours of starting to listen to these recordings, my S.O. was approved for the disability benefits he first applied for over 4 years ago. I know it’s science but it sure feels like magic. Thanks so very much!I am adjusting my sails and will be working on my goal setting this weekend. Thanks again!


    !I am manifesting-love, health, abundance and world travel=HAPPINESS.!

    I finally, at 67, sat down and finished writing my story. I’ve been writing it for years but it is now published and will be released this month! Life is good.

    I am manifesting-love, health, abundance and world travel=HAPPINESS.


    “The second miracle was a 10€ lottery win!”

    I got your program, listening every day, the first miracle was the next day when I got a 3.50€ return from the overpaid book on Amazon.

    The second miracle was a 10€ lottery win and I got started with my Trading platform and I have success.

    Thank you very much for your program I just love it.


    “A sudden, unexpected check for $200 from my niece just because and a neighbor gifted us with a lovely big flat-screen TV! For no reason at all!”

    Uh, I thought I had already done this. At least I have been listening to Twilight Transformation. And, yes, good things have already started happening. A sudden, unexpected check for $200 from my niece just because and a neighbor gifted us with a lovely big flat-screen TV! For no reason at all. I’m still working on what I really want…the money to retire…but I’m sure it’s on the way. AT 78 years old I’m ready to stop working for someone else! I downloaded everything you sent and I’ve been listening as often as I can. I want to thank you for this wonderful program. I would also like to actually meet you one of these days since we both live in Portland.


    “I fell asleep listening to the Twilight Transformation audio, not only did i wake up feeling great but my 1st client of the morning out of the blue asked for my last name. When i asked what for he told me he wanted to write me a check!”

    I purchased the Manifesting Magic set less than 24hrs ago. I have been going through a terrible breakup with a verbally abusive husband who has rittled me to believe i am not good enough and no matter what i do i would never be lovable because im negative and toxic. I believed it so much i lost control of my self worth and became lost and confused. I quickly read the guide so i followed all instructions correctly, that was 1130pm. I fell asleep listening to the Twilight Transformation audio, not only did i wake up feeling great but my 1st client of the morning out of the blue asked for my last name. When i asked what for he told me he wanted to write me a check. I said for what? He said, I am extremely grateful for all your hard work and going the extra mile for me when you didnt have to and i want to reward you with a personal check. I couldn’t believe it!!! It worked!! And i just started yesterday, less than 12 hrs. Thank you so much for giving me something natural and so easy to get me out of this emotional dead-end i felt would be my life forever. Im sold and will religiously listen to better myself everyday and i promise i will tell anyone who listens all about your wonderful program. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


    “I just started listening… you are an angel.. thank you for helping those special people heal..and finally feel free for the first time…!”

    I needed to somehow thank you… I just started listening… you are an angel.. thank you for helping those special people heal..and finally feel free for the first time… it was important for me to let you know what you mean to me… I have very special gifts..deep trauma has been the block in preventing me to fly… I’ve worked so hard..have spiritual healers… yet I knew it was my mind that needed the rewire… you are a godsent..and I truly appreciate you… not sure if you will see this..my hope…you do… I’m going to break free and fly…will be helping those like me who struggled and needed the support and confidence… you have helped me… I knew.. and grateful I believed and trusted in… with deepest and heartfelt honest


    “I am amazed at the result so far! Apart from a shift in consciousness, after I filled in part one of the form and visualized a business class seat for my upcoming UK trip (which I had already booked economy), today in my email box I received a flier from the very carrier I was flying with telling me about their business class deals!”

    I’ve recently started using your program and must admit to having a hefty dose of skepticism before beginning, having tried lots of similar programs in the past. However, after listening as suggested to several of the audios over a few days and beginning to complete the order form, I am amazed at the result so far! Apart from a shift in consciousness, after I filled in part one of the form and visualized a business class seat for my upcoming UK trip (which I had already booked economy), today in my email box I received a flier from the very carrier I was flying with telling me about their business class deals! If that’s not a sign that the universe is listening and putting wheels in motion, I don’t know what is! Very impressed and looking forward to moving in a new direction.


    “…I Have Won Over $2,000…”

    Alex I really love these audio’s since listening to them I have won over $2,000 when playing my slot machines. It’s incredible. I feel more confident..

    – Cindy C.

    “They are clearing out the negative and renewing my subconscious mind…”

    I have seen so many results in my business and I can tell as long as I continue to use these audios, they are clearing out the negative and renewing my subconscious mind. Which was the missing link I needed in order to really progress and succeed. So I thank you so much.

    – Andrea Peebles

    “I received a check for $861.85 out of nowhere.”

    *Sir: I just wanted to tell you about what happened to me on 10-01-2018. I received a check for $861.85 out of nowhere. The letter stated that I was overcharged in interest from a loan that I got some time ago and this was my share of the settlement. What makes this so surprising is that I have not even gone through all the stuff I received from you.

    – Floyd Bell
  • “Unbelievable!!!”

    I’m really impressed with the audio, you tell me to listen 2 times a day, but I can not, I’m listening all the time. , this really calms me down, I’m somewhere else, everything is happening faster, for example sometimes I think of a person and seconds later there is her! Alex I’m so happy for you to be part of my life and all of us !! I really feel the wealth and prosperity I’m already living in abundance I have to thank you for everything.a big hug my heart friend.

    -Walder Dias

    “I have seen so many results in my business”

    I have seen so many results in my business and I can tell as long as I continue to use these audios, they are clearing out the negative and renewing my subconscious mind. Which was the missing link I needed in order to really progress and succeed. So I thank you so much.

    –Andrea Peebles
  • “I was lead by an energy reassuring me as I went along.”

    Dear Alexander,this has been a very interesting year for me so far. Earlier this year I could feel an opportunity or change or something coming. I was lead by an energy reassuring me as I went along. I had never heard of this ability until recently and it seems to be getting popular

    –Brian Carter
  • “Your method does work. It is working for me now.”

    Hi Alexander, just letting you know that your method does work. It is working for me now. I don’t feel the need for your books and DVDs. I have progressed from the state of lack or need to that of gratitude. Thanking the Universe for supplying everything necessary to fulfill my Soul’s purpose.

    -Christine Pitt

    “I played the twilight audio last night while I slept and woke this morning with a very VERY positive attitude, a happier vibe…”

    Hi! Thanks for your email. May I say that so far, I’m feeling very positive about my purchase. I played the twilight audio last night while I slept and woke this morning with a very VERY positive attitude, a happier vibe, and feeling much less stressed about my financial situation. It hadn’t actually crossed my mind all day until just now. This is new! Most days consist of a lot of worrying. So, less than 24 hours in and I’m seeing results, even if they are not material ones. The idea of manifesting money is to put my mental health into a better position so by achieving this without the financial gain is almost as good… But I feel like there is so much more to come 🙂

    Thank you

    -Joanne Wright

    “I am a state of paradise every time I listen to the Manifestation tracks!”

    Hi, it’s Van! The Universe is such a magnificent place!!!!!!!!!!! I received some of the signs and I am super excited!!!!!! I love being a member. Thanks Alex!

    I am a state of paradise every time I listen to the Manifestation tracks! My children are sleeping better and the house seems so much lighter and more magical! I would strongly recommend this product to everyone so that eventually the world would be filled with love and people would make no more fear based decisions.


    “I use Manifestation Magic exclusively.”

    I purchased your program and have been using it every day since. Your programs resonate with me and I will continue to use them.

    So, please do not worry.
    I purchased two other manifestation programs in the past that do not compare with what you produce. I use Manifestation Magic exclusively.

    -Kathy Arima

    “Well at exactly 11am less than 12 hours I received an unexpected $750. OMG!!! I couldn’t believe it. ”

    I am in tears right now. I ordered this system yesterday with barely any money in my bank account. The words in the video spoke to my soul. I have been working tirelessly to create financial freedom for myself only to be up and down on a roller coaster. I listened to the 2 Theta recordings yesterday as soon as I received. I felt weird but I committed to the 30 days. I listened to the Twilight at midnight last night and fell asleep. I got up this morning in anticipation of what would show up. Well at exactly 11am less than 12 hours I received an unexpected $750. OMG!!! I couldn’t believe it. One of my clients got an unexpected check and she wanted to tithe to me for helping her change her mindset around money. Thank you, thank you, thank you. She was the most unlikely person to send additional money. Last night I made a commitment to buy the millionaire package with my first manifestion. Done!! I am so excited and grateful!!!!!!!

    -Malane Shani

    “Now I feel I have a family that’s holding my hand spiritually and internally and I have never had this type of support system my entire life!”

    Hi Alexander! Everything you have sent to me I’m absorbing likes sponge! I am an empathetic person who is in need of regeneration at this time! You could not have come to me at any better time in my life! Thank you! I strongly believe in myself and my new transformation and in fact, I’m already seeing, feeling and experiencing this change in my daily life ever since I listened to ur meditating hypnosis discs! Now you have given me even more gifts which I truly need especially your colleagues who are helping me transform my prosperity in wealth! I’ve felt very alone and struggles with anything and everything toucan imagine. Now I feel I have a family that’s holding my hand spiritually and internally and I have never had this type of support system my entire life! I have so much to read on how to help myself than I ever did before! A simple thanks is not enough! I will see you in person one day and shake your hand directly to Thank you once I add my success story to all the rest! Thank you for directing me to a healthier and amazing future!

    -Michele Cleveland

    “It is truly AMAZING. It works! However… it doesn’t work if you don’t PLAY IT! “

    When you have been using Biofeedback and Bio-resonance for as long as I have, you have no trouble wrapping your head around this one. It is truly AMAZING. It works! However… it doesn’t work if you don’t PLAY IT! If you don’t follow the instructions… if your own negativity and disbelief is what rules you… I have used it personally and with my clients during Massage sessions and during Colonic sessions. It WORKS!

    -Estrella Caban

    “I’m achieving more sale than before and I’ve got a raise It really is getting better!”

    Hi Alexander,

    First i want to thank you for incredible gift.

    I have been listening twilight transformation almost every night and i feel great, everything i do is much easier and im becoming more succesful in my job. I work in sale as business representative. Im achieving more sale than before and i ve got a raise 😀

    It really is getting better, i am focusing much more on my goals and desires and i am less bothered with some things then before.

    I wish for a breakthrough in my private life also because i have been single for a some time and the last relationship drained me and i feel a bit lost. I feel best when im single but that sometimes bother me. But i will work on myself and do what is best for me 😀

    Thank you again!


    “I just joined Manifestation Magic last night, and you might call this a coincidence I call it pure magic!”

    I just retired because of health issues, and really did not have enough money to be comfortable and not have to worry about the money i did not have. i just joined Manifestation Magic last night, and you might call this a coincidence
    I call it pure magic. I get a call from Social Security and they tell me that they will start my retirement from January and send me a one time check for the amount of $12,000.00. I am having to contain myself because i want to jump out of my skin. It has not even been 24 hours, and nothing has been discussed with social security, This is out of the blue. Alexander, here is a virtual hug.

    -Richard G. Lewis

    “Oh my gosh, my heart is SO FULL of GRATITUDE right now!!”

    Thank you for these bonuses! The timing is absolutely Divine!

    As for Manifestation Magic… The Universe is soooo grateful for the work you do for Earth & Humanity. ❤❤❤

    My family and I have been listening to the Twilight Transformation track every night for nearly 3 weeks now and a long-standing family issue has been released! We are each experiencing INCREDIBLE shifts and progress in life & abundance of support, money, love. Manifestation Magic has assisted me in the final touches of becoming who I came here to be (a conscious co-creator) and completing what I came here to do for my family, lift them up so they can enjoy the new world with me.

    Words cannot express how I truly feel, but I’m sure the energy is spewing outta this message lol! I wish you Infinite Blessings for the rest of your lives.

    Also, patience.. cuz the world needs more and although I personally have enough to share, I am open to more people joining in this Patience Parade, haha, to help distribute the load.

    Thank you so much for all you do!

    -Kristin Craft

    “I have had some extra $ show up a few times, starting after my order before I even got the course!”

    OMG! This is a lot, I didn’t realize was here. It’s awesome! Thanks for your help Bella. I have had some extra $ show up a few times, starting after my order before I even got the course!


    “I attracted 3 of them the first day, one of which had $500 in it!”

    I was at a conference where they throw plastic Easter eggs filled with cash and prizes into the crowd after breaks to get people back in the room. I attracted 3 of them the first day, one of which had $500 in it.

    I also play blackjack and count cards for fun from time to time. The last 2 times I visualized stacks of green chips in front of me instead of in the dealer rack. Sure enough, I got some good cards and won some money. Nothing crazy, but I can’t help but think my positive energy helped make it possible.


    ” I found my writing flowed out of me while listening to that one!”

    I received an email from him yesterday for the Millionaire Mind offer. So I bought it. Lol. The Universe heard me.

    And I just want to say within a few hours the first day (Monday ) I felt a huge shift in my thoughts, energy, and focus. I feel so different already. Almost like a new person. That was after only doing the two 10 minute ones and the 20 min one for focus. I found my writing flowed out of me while listening to that one. It’s incredible. I can’t wait to continue the program and experience more.


    “Within 48 hours of starting to listen to these recordings, my S.O. was approved for the disability!”

    I know that we already had the process underway; BUT within 48 hours of starting to listen to these recordings, my S.O. was approved for the disability benefits he first applied for over 4 years ago. I know it’s science but it sure feels like magic. Thanks so very much! I am adjusting my sails and will be working on my goal setting this weekend. Thanks again!


    !I am manifesting-love, health, abundance and world travel = HAPPINESS.!

    I finally, at 67, sat down and finished writing my story. I’ve been writing it for years but it is now published and will be released this month! Life is good.

    I am manifesting-love, health, abundance and world travel = HAPPINESS.


    “The second miracle was a 10€ lottery win!”

    I got your program, listening every day, the first miracle was the next day when I got a 3.50€ return from the overpaid book on Amazon.

    The second miracle was a 10€ lottery win and I got started with my Trading platform and I have success.

    Thank you very much for your program I just love it.


    “A sudden, unexpected check for $200 from my niece just because and a neighbor gifted us with a lovely big flat-screen TV! For no reason at all!”

    Uh, I thought I had already done this. At least I have been listening to Twilight Transformation. And, yes, good things have already started happening. A sudden, unexpected check for $200 from my niece just because and a neighbor gifted us with a lovely big flat-screen TV! For no reason at all. I’m still working on what I really want…the money to retire…but I’m sure it’s on the way. AT 78 years old I’m ready to stop working for someone else! I downloaded everything you sent and I’ve been listening as often as I can. I want to thank you for this wonderful program. I would also like to actually meet you one of these days since we both live in Portland.


    “I fell asleep listening to the Twilight Transformation audio, not only did i wake up feeling great but my 1st client of the morning out of the blue asked for my last name. When i asked what for he told me he wanted to write me a check!”

    I purchased the Manifesting Magic set less than 24hrs ago. I have been going through a terrible breakup with a verbally abusive husband who has rittled me to believe i am not good enough and no matter what i do i would never be lovable because im negative and toxic. I believed it so much i lost control of my self worth and became lost and confused. I quickly read the guide so i followed all instructions correctly, that was 1130pm. I fell asleep listening to the Twilight Transformation audio, not only did i wake up feeling great but my 1st client of the morning out of the blue asked for my last name. When i asked what for he told me he wanted to write me a check. I said for what? He said, I am extremely grateful for all your hard work and going the extra mile for me when you didnt have to and i want to reward you with a personal check. I couldn’t believe it!!! It worked!! And i just started yesterday, less than 12 hrs. Thank you so much for giving me something natural and so easy to get me out of this emotional dead-end i felt would be my life forever. Im sold and will religiously listen to better myself everyday and i promise i will tell anyone who listens all about your wonderful program. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


    “I just started listening… you are an angel.. thank you for helping those special people heal..and finally feel free for the first time…!”

    I needed to somehow thank you… I just started listening… you are an angel.. thank you for helping those special people heal..and finally feel free for the first time… it was important for me to let you know what you mean to me… I have very special gifts..deep trauma has been the block in preventing me to fly… I’ve worked so hard..have spiritual healers… yet I knew it was my mind that needed the rewire… you are a godsent..and I truly appreciate you… not sure if you will see this..my hope…you do… I’m going to break free and fly…will be helping those like me who struggled and needed the support and confidence… you have helped me… I knew.. and grateful I believed and trusted in… with deepest and heartfelt honest


    “I am amazed at the result so far! Apart from a shift in consciousness, after I filled in part one of the form and visualized a business class seat for my upcoming UK trip (which I had already booked economy), today in my email box I received a flier from the very carrier I was flying with telling me about their business class deals!”

    I’ve recently started using your program and must admit to having a hefty dose of skepticism before beginning, having tried lots of similar programs in the past. However, after listening as suggested to several of the audios over a few days and beginning to complete the order form, I am amazed at the result so far! Apart from a shift in consciousness, after I filled in part one of the form and visualized a business class seat for my upcoming UK trip (which I had already booked economy), today in my email box I received a flier from the very carrier I was flying with telling me about their business class deals! If that’s not a sign that the universe is listening and putting wheels in motion, I don’t know what is! Very impressed and looking forward to moving in a new direction.


    “Manifestation Magic recordings have changed my life completely…In the past week I found my dream apartment”

    Hi Alexander,

    I just want to say that your Manifestation Magic recordings have changed my life completely within three weeks. In the past week I found my dream apartment at an incredibly affordable price and have been offered the career opportunity of a lifetime which involves traveling around the world helping people.

    I really want to tell everyone about your wonderful work and promote you on social media. My question is, do you have an affiliate program on offer for people like myself who want to bring more people in contact with your life changing products?

    Thanks again. I’m so thankful to have found your ground breaking recordings.

    -Rhoyce Nova

    “They’re already making a difference in my life each day”

    Hi Alexander,

    Thank you for the profound impact you’ve contributed to by creating the outstanding and powerful audios. They’re already making a difference in my life each day.

    I want to support your efforts and help get this to as many people as possible who relentlessly seek to improve.



    “The audios are absolutely life changing”

    Hi Alexander,

    My name is Tonya Davis. I have been using The Millionaire Mindset Makeover program for 2 months now. The audios are absolutely life changing. My favorites are Unstoppable Wealth and Magnetic Identify. In fact, I have had more opportunities open up in the last two months then I could have imagined.

    I am in the process of launching my Success Coaching business. In short, I conduct both Live and web-based workshops on success building. We all know that success is a process, right? My coaching program will guide you in this process. It begins with the development of an effective mindset and concludes with powerful business strategies to reach your next level of success. My purpose is to share truth and to add value. I want to provide my students with the bridge to their own success. To assist them in determining where they are today, unmask limiting beliefs that are holding them back – and finally, help them build a road-map that leads to real, tangible success.

    No worries. I’m not trying to sell you anything. Lol.

    Your Millionaire Mindset Makeover has been such a blessing to me that I would like to offer a “mini-version” to my students who register for the Success Building workshop. I would build the cost into my registration fee. Do you have an affiliate program? Is this something that you would be willing to consider?

    Looking forward to your response. Sending blessings of pure love and light your way!Warm regards,

    -Tonya Davis

    “I wanted to say thanks because I believe I was meant to find your website”

    Hi Alexander,

    Your relaxation downloads have really made me feel very calm about my situation and I am applying the laws of attraction in my everyday life.

    I want to support your efforts and help get this to as many people as possible who relentlessly seek to improve.

    I wanted to say thanks because I believe I was meant to find your website.

    I was seeing 11.11 on a daily basis for 6 months before finding your site….It is really helping me turn this negative situation into a positive one.

    “I enjoyed it immensely”

    I have just had the opportunity to listen to this for the first time. It put me in an alpha-theta to theta and back to alpha theta-state. I enjoyed it immensely.

    Thank you


    “I purchased the manifesting package just two days ago…and almost immediately the Gallery emailed me to say they sold a $3800 metal Kimono I created”

    Dear Alexander, I purchased the manifesting package just two days ago.. And magic has been happening. I put out to the universe that one of my artworks sell and almost immediately the Gallery emailed me to say they sold a $3800 metal Kimono I created. This is the best manifesting training I have ever done and I have done a lot with “famous” coaches and healers. Feel so blessed. Thank you for all that you do to help people move ahead in their lives.

    -Catherine Foster

    “I’ve been using manifestation magic for over almost a month now. And it has been really magical so far.”

    I wasn’t on your mind. 😊 And you haven’t been paying attention. Cause i’ve been using manifestation magic for over almost a month now. And it has been really magical so far. I firmly believe it’s gonna help to get where i want to be.

    So thanks! And don’t say that i was on your mind when i really wasn’t. Keep it true please!


    -Joris Kleve

    “Many people will be alerted and awake so the whole world will change to the light for the best!!!!”

    Thank you Alexander,

    I already bought the Manifestation magic and

    i am using it!!

    I didn’t see the results yet but i am sure i will!!!

    I liked it a lot!!!

    I am listening to it every day usually at night!!!

    Is very good idea for this special offer so many more people will benefit for that.

    Really this must be your target!!!

    Many people will be alerted and awake so the whole world will change to the light for the best!!!!



    “They are absolutely amazing and fantastic. Just loving them”

    Dear Alexander,

    Hi!!!!!!!! I could finally get your app installed in my phone and I have started listening to your audio sessions. They are absolutely amazing and fantastic.

    Just loving them.

    Thanks so much for everything.

    Lots of love and blessings to you and your team for such a wonderful programme.



    “It’s ingenious like you and l am so grateful to have your incredible work.”

    Dear Alexander,

    Beautiful soul l have already purchased Manifestation Magic. I listen to it every day, its helping me change my life. It’s ingenious like you and l am so grateful to have your incredible work..Thank you so much ..Stay blessed beautiful soul.



    “I am enjoying the process of transformation each day.”

    Good Morning Alex,

    Thanks a lot for your email.

    I have bought the Manifestation Magic and I have been working on it from the day I received the package.

    I have to admit that my thoughts about money have changed, I am not constantly thinking about money and expenses any more and I am enjoying the process of transformation each day. I certainly feel that Manifestation Magic is working for me and is helping me raise my vibrations, remove the clutter from my brain, clearing my past memories and insecurities from my subconscious mind and preparing me for a bright and happy future.

    -Suvarna Mohture

    “I am so grateful to have been given another chance to experience this amazing new life I thought was never possible“

    WOW…where do I begin. Well firstly I would like to thank you for having me as part of the MANIFESTATION MAGIC family and I am so grateful to have been given another chance to experience this amazing new life I thought was never possible, also I am more than grateful to have you by my side every step of the way. After the first day of reading and listening to the audios you provided I was just so BLOWN away…honestly Alexander it was like stepping from one world into a world of FREEDOM just absolute bliss, the feeling was so overwhelming and beautiful I wanted to cry, now how wonderful is that…and I am still in that wonderful feeling now as I talk to you and it has been 2 weeks since then. There’s only one word I can describe how I am truly feeling…HAPPY, very very HAPPY. I am so ready to take this Journey and if I stumble and fall? I’ll just click the button and wait for you to rescue me hehehe. Thank you again and again Alexander I look forward to hearing from you.

    -Arohanui Paulette

    “I wanted to say thanks because I believe I was meant to find your website“

    Hi Alexander,

    Two weeks ago I was feeling lower than low and really stressed as I am about to lose my job and was worrying about the future.

    ur relaxation downloads have really made me feel very calm about my situation and I am applying the laws of attraction in my everyday life.

    I wanted to say thanks because I believe I was meant to find your website.

    I was seeing 11.11 on a daily basis for 6 months before finding your site….It is really helping me turn this negative situation into a positive one.


    “I have purchased the Manifestation Magic and things have been changing… small things, in relationships there seems to be a positive shift“

    I have purchased the Manifestation Magic and things have been changing… small things, in relationships there seems to be a positive shift. In me, mostly in me! So when we change the world around us does too!

    And yes, these two tracks were offered…a bonus 🙂

    So thank you all so much I am very happy with my purchase!

    -Manuela Ribeiro

    “Many of the signs you are discribing, are already present since yesterday…!!!“

    Hello Alexander!

    Many of the signs you are discribing, are already present since yesterday…!!!

    I found money yesterday and today in the small street outside my house, today I saw 2 credits in my bank account that I didn’t expect, I received a great for me change in a flight + a bonus for the change from an airline today and I see 77 and 888 very often…

    I feel the change in my beliefs about money and now I know I am on my way…!

    Thank you!!!


    “After listening for about two weeks… I think my feelings about money and success are changing for the better.“

    I love the way you think. I am very grateful to you for all the information. I am enjoying the the Manifestation Magic tremendously. After listening for about two weeks I think my feelings about money and success are changing for the better. I’ve always been some what shy. I think is because I never felt deserving. I felt guilty for having things other people (family, friends) don’t have, even though I worked hard for what I have and I know they can do the same, if they want to.

    I will continue listening to Manifestation Magic because I love all the recordings, I am addicted to it, but I want to know how can I access the other programs?

    -Leonor Vazquez

    “To thank you so far my income has taken a leap in the last few weeks.“

    Hi Alexander, thanks for your communication, I couldn’t agree more, I have also learnt that action is the most optimum state of existence we can be in. With regards to being, the right way to be is to be! Look don’t think also resides well and works, I also realise that we can have all the wisdom in the universe as we all do! but have forgotten somehow. Unless we apply what we know and get into action not much is going to happen.

    To thank you so far my income has taken a leap in the last few weeks. From deligents and faster turn around with enquiries which have been coming in faster. I also find I am turning down jobs which chew up energy for not much return, something before I would entertain and feel obliged to do. A long way still to to go, playing this game of existence. It’s improving.


    “I’ve had some cash instances come up..“

    Since getting the program aside from being able to promote it, I’ve had some cash instances come up.

    I was at a conference where they throw plastic Easter eggs filled with cash and prizes into the crowd after breaks to get people back in the room. I “attracted” 3 of them the first day, one of which had $500 in it.

    I also play blackjack and count cards for fun from time to time. The last 2 times I visualized stacks of green chips in front of me instead of in the dealer rack. Sure enough, I got some good cards and won some money. Nothing crazy, but I can’t help but think my positive energy helped make it possible.


    “after listening as suggested to several of the audios over a few days and beginning to complete the ‘order form’, I am amazed at the result so far.“


    I’ve recently started using your program and must admit to having a hefty dose of scepticism before beginning, having tried lots of similar programs in the past.

    However, after listening as suggested to several of the audios over a few days and beginning to complete the ‘order form’, I am amazed at the result so far! Apart from a shift in consciousness, after I filled in part one of the form and visualised a business class seat for my upcoming UK trip (which I had already booked economy), today in my email box I received a flier from the very carrier I was flying with telling me about their business class deals! If that’s not a sign that the universe is listening and putting wheels in motion, I don’t know what is! Very impressed and looking forward to moving in a new direction.

    Thank you!

    Best regards


    “Im sold and will religiously listen to better myself everyday and i promise i will tell anyone who listens all about your wonderful program.“

    Dear Alexander,

    I purchased the Manifesting Magic set less than 24hrs ago. I have been going through a terrible breakup with a verbally abusive husband who has rittled me to believe i am not good enough and no matter what i do i would never be lovable because im negative and toxic. I believed it so much i lost control of my self worth and became lost and confused. I quickly read the guide so i followed all instructions correctly, that was 1130pm. I fell asleep listening to the Twilight Transformation audio, not only did i wake up feeling great but my 1st client of the morning out of the blue asked for my last name. When i asked what for he told me he wanted to write me a check. I said for what? He said, ” I am extremely grateful for all your hard work and going the extra mile for me when you didn’t have to and i want to reward you with a personal check. ” I couldn’t believe it!!! It worked!! And i just started yesterday, less than 12 hrs. Thank you so much for giving me something natural and so easy to get me out of this emotional dead end i felt would be my life forever. Im sold and will religiously listen to better myself everyday and i promise i will tell anyone who listens all about your wonderful program. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    -Serena Martinez

    “I got your program,listening every day,the first “miracle” was the next da.“

    I got your program,listening every day,the first “miracle” was the next day when I got 3.50€ return from overpaid book on Amazon.

    The second “miracle” was a 10€ lottery win….and I got started with my Trading platform and I have success.

    Thank you very much for your program I just love it.

    Kind regards

    -Maria Brinzan

    “I’ve been writing it for years but it is now published and will be released this month! Life is good..“

    I finally, at 67, sat down and finished writing my story. I’ve been writing it for years but it is now published and will be released this month! Life is good.

    I am manifesting love, health, abundance and world travel = HAPPINESS.

    Love your story.

    -Eva Barnes

    “All I have to say is WOW Alexander is an angel. 🙏 my moms using it too.”

    Hello. I want to leave a review but I cant find the proper place to leave it. I have been using manifestation Magic for a few months. All I have to say is WOW Alexander is an angel. 🙏 my moms using it too. The best way to explain how we both feel, is like our subconscious mind has been cleaned up and we both feel like our brain is so calm and there is not that constant movie going on in our brains. It’s helped us to be present and in the moment. So many beautiful things are happening. We feel like we have a whole new start with our brain. No more past negative memories. We also purchased your golden black obsidian necklace to help with manifesting and keeping negative energies away. We also got your pyramid. We feel the difference in our mind, body and soul. We can’t thank you enough. My mom and I send you and your family so much unconditional love and blessings that you get everything you want and desire and you are healthy and live a long prosperous life. Plus anyone that has helped you with what you do also be blessed a million times over again and again. It’s 100% magic in every way. We love you with all our hearts and soul. Thank you again. 😍🙏🌻 Sincerely your 1 fans Azalea and Louise Davila

    -Azalea Davila

    “This is my favorite audio EVER!!”

    Hello Alexander,

    Alter listening to this audio my entire energy changed! I felt confident and happy! And guess what?? My SP that I didn’t hear for a week (never happened in the past 2 years!!), he reached out to me!!

    Not only we talked twice at that day, also he was very emotional which is very unusual for him at the moment! Saying he feels “all over the place” with me!

    I feel his coming closer to me!

    This is my favorite audio EVER!!


    GOD bless!!

    -Maria Rizov

    “I feel a difference in me , and business people who let me down sins July today were calling me IT WORKS !!!”

    Yes Alexander , I got it and are listening to the TWILIGHT evening and morning

    I love it , I feel a difference in me , and business people who let me down sins July today were calling me

    IT WORKS !!!! I can feel it !!!!

    Thank you very very much

    God Bles

    -Greta Rubens

    “I immediately purchased Manifestation Magic. In the evening of this very day I had an offer on my mom’s house that I was trying to sell.”

    Hi Alexander,

    I am so grateful that I became aware of your program through Natalie Ledwell. I received this information at just the right time. Due to my life circumstances I was feeling depleted and off center.

    I listened to your introduction video and my vibration instantly raised to peace truth and centerdness. I immediately purchased Manifestation Magic. In the evening of this very day I had an offer on my mom’s house that I was trying to sell.

    I wanted to thank you for your programs and generosity. I will always be indebted to you.






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